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About Me


When I was four years old, I played Mufasa in my self-directed rendition of The Lion King . Because I am a dedicated actor, during his death scene, I took a flying leap off the top of the stairs. I do not remember breaking my leg. But I do remember limping around my house for 6 weeks in a hot pink cast. I have since sworn off method acting. 

As a theatre artist today, I greatly admire the methods of educators such as Anne Bogart and Uta Hagen. These two remarkable women have taught me that creating theatre from a place of honesty can only be done when becoming aligned with one's self. 

I am a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota Morris having studied Theatre Arts and Creative Writing. Braving the threat of COVID-19, I will be attending the Stella Adler Studio of Acting 2-Year Evening Conservatory in January 2021. When I am not writing or performing, I enjoy reading campy young adult fiction, painting badly, and eating pastries. 

"Unclutter yourselves. Open yourselves up to your fullest capacity – to give meaning to what you receive when you see, when you hear, when you taste, when you smell, when you touch"

- Uta Hagen

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